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The Stakes


In 2024, we’re mixing things up and changing the format. It’s every racer for himself or herself, but Fridays are more important than ever, and the stakes have never been higher.

Separation Friday

On Friday night, the entire field will have time to grudge race, either for cash or to settle a score. Then, it’s time for the qualifier round, which will sort the drivers into WINNERS and LOSERS. Come sunrise, the designation will matter — a lot.

Cash-in Saturday

On Saturday, racers compete in either the WINNERS BRACKET or the LOSERS BRACKET. The winners compete for more points, plus a $30,000 prize. The others will race off for half the points and an impressive $5,000 prize. Fans, who will see two big winners each racing weekend, will be able to track the competition week-to-week as the drivers stack up points.

No Prep Elite: The Championship

At the end of the season, the top 16 drivers with the most points move onto the playoffs, No Prep Elite. Here they will compete for a championship and $150k winner-take-all prize. The stakes have never been greater and No Prep Elite will showcase the best of the best.


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